Friday, April 2, 2010


What Permanent Makeup Is

Are you not entirely happy with how your face looks, but not unhappy enpough to do something stupid, like undergo a surgery? Then permanent makeup might be someth9ing to consider for you. A failure here is less critical than it would have been with for example botox, as the permanent makeup can be removed; if botox "goes wrong" the recorrection can possibly make it worse.
It is usually called permanent cosmetics, but also goes under the names micropigmentation, cosmetic tattooing and dermapigmentation.

permanent makeup resembles, but is a permanent variant of, the makeup on lips, face and eyelids. It can be used to cover ugly scars and such things on your face.
But it is not entirely superficial as it is also sometimes used to make artificial eyebrows for post cancer victims and those that either suffer from other diseases, such as paralysis or blindness, that keep them from doing their own makeup.

Some form of permanent makeup, especially the eyebrow tattoo, has been around for a long while, since ancient times, but in the last hundred years or so got popular; kind of introduced pencil thin eyebrows that you could see on moviestars in that time. As opposed to how eyebrow tattooing in that time was considered a luxury - at least being associated to "those with money" - it has now become a more common procedure; not meaning "everyone" does it but that also "common people" do it.

In some countries permanent makeup is completely prohibited - in others you need license to do it. In for example Australia the tattooer can not call it permanent makeup as, just like all tattoos do, it fades over time